Protein Standards & Ladders - IL (2024)

Protein ladders and standards for SDS-PAGE, western blots, and isoelectric focusing (IEF)

Choose from a variety of protein ladders (molecular weight markers) for protein electrophoresis and western blotting applications. Each protein standard or ladder is supplied in a ready-to-use format, eliminating the need to reduce, pre-mix, or add loading dyes. These protein standards and ladders are consistent from lot to lot and are strictly quality controlled on appropriate gels to help ensure consistent band migration and intensity. All prestained protein ladders are compatible for use in western blotting.

On this page:

  • Prestained broad and high molecular weight protein ladders
  • Protein ladders for western blotting and fluorescence western blotting
  • Unstained protein ladders
  • Protein ladders for IEF, native PAGE and specialty applications
  • Ordering information
  • Compare all Protein standards and molecular weight ladders

Prestained broad and high molecular weight protein ladders

Prestained molecular weight standards are ideal to monitor the progression of the gel electrophoresis run and to estimate protein transfer efficiency. Available in blue and multicolor options, they are compatible with all Invitrogen SDS-PAGE gels. The combination of high molecular weight range protein ladders and NuPAGE Tris-Acetate protein gels is recommended for optimal separation and detection of high molecular weight proteins.

Product description

PageRuler Plus Prestained Protein Ladder

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Spectra Multicolor Broad Range Protein Ladder

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HiMark Prestained Protein Standard

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SeeBlue Pre-Stained Standard

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Choose forBest multicolor prestained ladder for routine applications4 colors for improved visualization during separation and transferAnalysis of high molecular weight proteinsVisible monitoring of gel separation and transfer efficiency
Range (kDa)10–25010–26031–4603–200
Number of bands91099
Recommended gelAll SDS-PAGE gelsAll SDS-PAGE gelsNuPAGE Tris-acetate

All SDS-PAGE gels

Recommended Volume per well for 1.0 mm gel (μL)

5 µL for electrophoresis

5 µL for blotting

10 µL for electrophoresis

10 µL for blotting

10 µL for electrophoresis

10 µL for blotting

10 µL for electrophoresis

3 µL for blotting

Visualization methodColorimetric, NIR fluorescence (700nm channel, blue bands), RGB fluorescence (550 nm channel, orange bands)Colorimetric, NIR fluorescence (700nm channel, blue bands), RGB fluorescence (550 nm channel, orange bands)ColorimetricColorimetric
Cat. No.26619 (2 x 250 µL), 26620
(10 x 250 µL)
26634(2 x 250 µL),26623
(10 x 250 µL)
LC5699(250 µL)LC5625(2 x 250 µL)

Protein ladders for western blotting and fluorescent western blotting

Western blot protein ladders are designed for protein molecular weight estimation directly on the blot during detection. Consisting of recombinant proteins fused to an IgG binding site, these versatile molecular weight ladders bind the primary or secondary antibody used for the detection of the target protein. Western blotting ladders provide a useful positive control to evaluate the performance of the detection antibody. Direct visualization of unstained ladders can also be achieved through standard staining protocols (e.g., Coomassie stains).

Product descriptioniBright Prestained Protein Ladder

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MagicMark XP Western Protein Standard

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Choose forExceptional versatility for visible, IgG or fluorescent western blot detectionIgG binding for direct visualization during detection of western blot
Range (kDa)11–25020–220
Number of bands129
Recommended gelAll SDS-PAGE gelsAll SDS-PAGE gels
Recommended volume per well for 1.0 mm gel (μL)1–35–10
Visualization methodColorimetric, NIR fluorescence (700 nm channel), user defined detection system (2 bands)User defined detection system (not recommended for RGB fluorescence systems)
PropertiesIgG binding sites on 2 bands (80 and 30 kDa), 10 fluorescent, blue-stained bandsIgG binding sites on all bands
Cat. No.LC5615(2 x 250 µL)LC5602(250 µL)
LC5603(50 µL)

Unstained protein ladders

Unstained protein ladders are useful when performing precise molecular weight determination of the target protein. Unstained protein standards are not labeled with dyes that can alter the apparent molecular weight of the ladder in the gel. They can be visualized by direct staining with Coomassie or other protein stains. PageRuler Unstained Protein Standards contain Strep-tagTMII sequence and can be immunodetected on the western blot.

Product descriptionPageRuler Unstained Protein Ladder

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PageRuler Unstained Broad Range Protein Ladder

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HiMark Unstained Protein Standard

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Choose for14 bands for superior accuracyAccurate estimation across a broader rangeAnalysis of high molecular weight proteins
Range (kDa)10–2005–25040–500
Number of Bands14119
Recommended gelAll SDS-PAGE gelsAll SDS-PAGE gelsNuPAGE Tris- Acetate
Recommended Volume per well for 1.0 mm gel (μL)555
Visualization methodstain of choicestain of choicestain of choice
PropertiesTagged—proteins contain an integral Strep-tag™ II sequence and can be detected on western blots using Strep-Tactin™ conjugates or an antibody against Strep-tag™ II sequenceTagged— proteins in the 10 -250 kDa range contain a Strep-tag™ II sequence and can be detected on western blots using Strep-Tactin™ conjugates or an antibody against Strep-tag™ II sequenceDirect visualization can be achieved through standard staining protocols (e.g., Coomassie, etc.)
Cat. No.26614(2 x 250 µL)26630(2 x 250 µL)LC5688(250 µL)

Protein ladders for IEF, native PAGE and specialty applications

A selection of protein ladders engineered to provide a reliable reference for protein size determination in native PAGE, pI calibration, detection of His-Tagged, phosphorylated, or glycosylated proteins.

IEF Marker 3-10

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NativeMark Unstained Protein Standard

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E-PAGE SeeBlue Pre-stained Standard

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BenchMark His-tagged Protein Standard

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Peppermint Stick Phosphoprotein Molecular Weight Standards

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CandyCane Glycoprotein Molecular Weight Standards

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No. of bands
Band weights
~10.7, 9.5, 8.3, 8.0, 7.8, 7.4, 6.9, 6.0, 5.3, 5.2, 4.5, 4.2, 3.5~1236, 1048, 720, 480, 242, 146, 66, 20 kDa~261, 173, 97, 42, 21 kDa~160, 120, 80, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 15, 10 kDa~116, 66, 45, 23.6, 18, 14.4 kDa~180, 97, 82, 66, 42, 29, 18, 14 kDa
UnstainedUnstainedBlue, orange, pinkUnstainedUnstainedUnstained
ColorimetricColorimetricColorimetricEach protein standard contains a 6X His-tag enabling the detection with the InVision His-tag In-gel StainColorimetric or methods that detect phosphorylated proteins such as Pro-Q Diamond phosphoprotein gel stainsColorimetric or methods that detect glycosylated proteins such as Pro-Q Glycoprotein stain kits
Recommended gel
IEF gelsNative-page gelsE-PAGE gelsAll SDS-PAGE gelsAll SDS-PAGE gelsAll SDS-PAGE gels
Recommended volume per well for 1.0 mm mini gel
5 μL5 μL10 μL for electrophoresis, 5 μL for blotting5 μL for electrophoresis, 2.5–5 μL for blotting1 μL0.5 μL
Cat. No.
(500 µL)
(5 x 50 µL)
(500 µL)
(125 µL)
P33350 (400 µL) P27167 (40 µL)C21852
(400 µL)

Ordering information

Prestained protein ladders

Western blot and fluorescent protein ladders

Unstained protein ladders

IEF and specialty protein ladders

Compare all protein standards and ladders

Range kDaNo. of BandsRecommended gelVisibleFluorescenceWestern detection
Prestained Protein Ladders
PageRuler Plus Prestained Protein Ladder10–2509all SDS-PAGE gelsBlue, Orange, Green
PageRuler Prestained Protein Ladder10–18010all SDS-PAGE gelsBlue, Orange, Green
Spectra Multicolor Broad Range Protein Ladder10–26010all SDS-PAGE gelsBlue, Orange, Green, Pink
SeeBlue Plus2 Pre-stained Protein Standard3–20010all SDS-PAGE gelsBlue, Pink, Orange
Novex Sharp Pre-Stained Protein Standard3.5–26012all SDS-PAGE gelsBlue, Pink, Orange
BenchMark Pre-stained Protein Ladder6–18010all SDS-PAGE gelsBlue, Pink
HiMark Pre-stained Protein Standard30–4609NuPAGE Tris-AcetateBlue, Pink
Spectra Multicolor High Range Protein Ladder40–3008NuPAGE Tris-AcetateBlue, Orange, Green
Spectra Multicolor Low Range Protein Ladder1.7–406Novex TricineBlue, Orange, Green
SeeBlue Pre-Stained Standard3–2009all SDS-PAGE gelsBlue
iBright Prestained Protein Ladder11–25012all SDS-PAGE gelsBlueIgG binding sites
PageRuler Prestained NIR Protein Ladder11–25010all SDS-PAGE gelsBlue
Unstained Protein Ladders
MagicMark XP Western Protein Standard20–2209all SDS-PAGE gelsstain of choiceIgG binding sites
PageRuler Unstained Protein Ladder10–20014all SDS-PAGE gelsstain of choiceStrep-tag™ II sequence
PageRuler Unstained Broad Range Protein Ladder5–25011all SDS-PAGE gelsstain of choiceStrep-tag™ II sequence
PageRuler Unstained High Range Protein Ladder60–2508NuPAGE Tris-Acetatestain of choiceStrep-tag™ II sequence
Mark12 Unstained Standard2.5–20012all SDS-PAGE gelsstain of choice
BenchMark Protein Ladder10–22015all SDS-PAGE gelsstain of choice
BenchMark Fluorescent Protein Standard11–1557all SDS-PAGE gelsstain of choice
Novex Sharp Unstained Protein Standard3.5–26012all SDS-PAGE gelsstain of choice
SuperSignal Molecular Weight Protein Ladder20–1508all SDS-PAGE gelsstain of choiceIgG binding sites
SuperSignal Enhanced Molecular Weight Protein Ladder20–1508all SDS-PAGE gelsstain of choiceIgG binding sites
Pierce Unstained Protein MW Marker14–1167all SDS-PAGE gelsstain of choice
HiMark Unstained Protein Standard40–5009NuPAGE Tris-Acetatestain of choice
PageRuler Unstained Low Range Protein Ladder3.4–1008Novex Tricinestain of choiceStrep-tag™ II sequence

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Protein Standards & Ladders - IL (16)


Download: Protein Gel Guide

Download: Protein gel electrophoresis technical handbook

Download: Western Detection Workflow brochure


Protein Standards & Ladders - IL (2024)


Are all protein ladders the same? ›

Prestained Protein Ladders

They can have either all proteins prestained with one color, two or more proteins prestained in different colors, or all proteins prestained with different colors. Prestained protein ladders have three highly-intensified colored reference bands of 25 kDa, 50 kDa, and 75 kDa (kilodaltons).

How much protein ladder to use? ›

Transfer the desired amount of the Prestained Protein Ladder to a separate tube. For blotting: use 5 µl for mini-gels and 10 µl for full length gels. For visualizing during electrophoresis: use 10-15 µl for mini-gels and 20-30 µl for full length gels.

What is a protein ladder standard Western blot? ›

Western blot protein ladders are designed for protein molecular weight estimation directly on the blot during detection. Consisting of recombinant proteins fused to an IgG binding site, these versatile molecular weight ladders bind the primary or secondary antibody used for the detection of the target protein.

What is the ladder in SDS-PAGE? ›

Protein ladders or molecular weight markers are among the most commonly used reagents in biochemistry experiments. They provide molecular weight standards to estimate the size of proteins separated by gel electrophoresis like SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis).

What is the difference between Type 1 and 2 ladders? ›

b) Type I – These ladders have a duty rating of 250 pounds. Type I ladders are manufactured for heavy-duty use. c) Type II – These ladders have a duty rating of 225 pounds. Type II ladders are approved for medium-duty use.

What is the difference between a prestained and unstained protein ladder? ›

We recommend using unstained protein ladders for molecular weight estimation applications as prestained ladders have a dye that is covalently bound to each protein that will result in the ladder migrating differently in different buffer systems (i.e., different gels).

How to prepare a protein ladder? ›

Preparing and Loading Protein Ladders (P7711)
  1. Thaw the ColorPlus Prestained Protein Ladder at room temperature. ...
  2. Transfer the desired amount of the Prestained Protein Ladder to a separate tube. ...
  3. Heat the ColorPlus Prestained Protein Ladder at 95-100°C for 3-5 minutes. ...
  4. Load directly onto SDS-PAGE gel and electrophorese.

What is a protein ladder made of? ›

Protein ladders are composed of a series of bands, which are highly purified polypeptides of different well-defined sizes. These polypeptides get resolved during electrophoresis as separate bands - based on their molecular weights.

What is the band size of protein ladder? ›

All prestained recombinant ladders include three high-intensity reference bands (25, 50, and 75 kD). For size determination on western blots, depending on the visualization method being used, the protein ladder can be unstained, prestained, or with a Strep-tag sequence.

What is the ladder standard? ›

EN131 is a European committee for standardisation (CEN) harmonised standard for portable steps and ladders, manufactured from metal and certain other materials such as GRP. It covers minimum safety requirements.

What is contained in a protein standard also called a ladder? ›

Protein ladders, also known as protein markers or protein standards, are used to help estimate the size of proteins separated during electrophoresis. They serve as points of reference because they contain mixtures of highly purified proteins with known molecular weights and characteristics.

How much ladder do you add to western blot? ›

Use protein ladders specifically designed for western blotting, such as Invitrogen iBright Prestained Protein Ladder, which provide prestained proteins as well as fluorescent bands for detection. Typically, 2–4 μL is sufficient.

How much ladder to load in SDS-PAGE gel? ›

Load the following volumes of the ladder on an SDS-polyacrylamide gel: – 5 μL per well for mini gel, – 10 μL per well for large gel. Use the same volumes for Western blotting. The loading volumes listed above are recommended for gels with a thickness of 0.75-1.0 mm.

What is the purpose of a page ladder? ›

LADDER- A page-by-page listing of the yearbook's contents. Yearbook staffs use the ladder to stay organized and to plan for deadlines. OPENING - The first one or two spreads of the yearbook which introduce the theme.

What is the purpose of ladder in gel electrophoresis? ›

When performing gel electrophoresis, scientists include DNA ladders that contain DNA fragments of known sizes. The ladder enables scientists to estimate the size of the DNA bands in their experimental samples by comparing them to the closest fragment in the ladder.

Are all protein structures the same? ›

As a result of all of these interactions, each type of protein has a particular three-dimensional structure, which is determined by the order of the amino acids in its chain. The final folded structure, or conformation, adopted by any polypeptide chain is generally the one in which the free energy is minimized.

Are all protein sources the same? ›

Not all Protein is Equal

Protein sources react differently in the body based on unique absorption rates and differing levels of both essential and non-essential amino acids. The unique amino acid composition of proteins affects how the body is able to utilize them for growth, recovery & maintenance.

Are Little Giant and Gorilla ladders the same? ›

Both the Little Giant and Gorilla are essentially the same ladder with the latter being a Chinese copy of the original.

How many types of DNA ladder are there? ›

DNA Ladders available from miniPCR bio
DNA LadderSize rangeNo. of bands
50 bp DNA Ladder50 – 500 bp8
100 bp DNA Ladder100 – 1,000 bp10
Fast DNA Ladder 1100 – 1,200 bp6
1 kb DNA Ladder300 – 10,000 bp13
Dec 28, 2021


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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.