When we think about makeup, we tend to focus on the face, but it’s possible to use makeup allover the body, including the legs, arms, stomach, décolleté, and more. Body makeup is a greatway to cover scars, stretch marks, and imperfections for flawless-looking skin in no time. Readon to discover how you can incorporate waterproof body makeup into your routine and learntips and tricks to achieve the best results!
An Introduction to WaterproofBody Makeup
Just like you can use primer, foundation, andconcealer on your face, you can find body-friendlyequivalents of those same products to use on areaslike your legs. Body makeup is similar to face makeupbut with added ingredients for longer wear times andbetter transfer resistance for worry-free wear.
The Advantages of Waterproof Body Makeup for Legs
So, why might you want to make use of waterproof body makeup for legs in the first place? Here are some of the many benefits of using this kind of makeup:
- Confidence - Just like with facial makeup, the main reason why people use bodymakeup is to bring out the best of their natural beauty. These products help to highlight,enhance, or accentuate the best features of your body and are great for drawingattention to areas like the legs and shoulders to help people feel great about theirappearance. Body makeup can also make you feel more confident when it comes towearing certain kinds of clothing like dresses, skirts, swimsuits, and more.
- Covering Up - Facial makeup is great for covering up little marks, dark patches,and other blemishes on the skin. Body makeup works in the same way. You can use it tocover scars on the legs, spider veins, age spots, freckles, marks, and even tattoos for amore flawless-looking appearance.
- Radiance Boost – Instead of using self-tanners or laying out in the sun, bodymakeup can be a quick and convenient way to enhance your skin’s natural radiance andprovide a boost of color for a tan and bronzed appearance every day or for specialoccasions.
- Waterproof Protection – Not all body makeups are made the same. It’s a goodidea to find a body makeup that is also waterproof. So even if you’re heading out to thebeach, pool, or if you plan to have quite an active day and risk sweating a little, youwon’t have to worry about your makeup fading, streaking, or coming off throughout youractivities.
How to Apply Waterproof Body Makeup for Legs
Waterproof body makeup for your legs is a great option to enhance your appearance,complement your favorite outfits, and hide any blemishes or imperfections that you may want toconceal. Here are some simple step-by-step instructions to ensure you can achieve the bestresults when wearing body makeup:
Clean and Shave - If you want to get the best results when working with waterproofleg makeup, it’s important to apply it onto clean and shaven legs. This will not only helpto make the application process easier,but it also gives you a more even distribution ofthe product. So, before you begin, use anoil-free cleanser or exfoliator to prep theskin and shave any hairs you may have tohave a smooth and clean canvas forapplication.
- Use Oil-Free Primer - Many peoplemake use of primer on their face beforeapplying other kinds of makeup, likefoundation. The same logic applies to thebody. It’s best to rub a thin layer of primer or moisturizer onto your legs to prepare them for the next steps and ensure your skin is hydrated. Oil-free formulas work best to ensure your body makeup remains transfer-resistant and can properly adhere to the skin for all-day wear.
- Apply Body Foundation - Next, you can start to work your waterproof bodyfoundation into your legs. It’s best to use a liquid product for this to enjoy the easiestapplication, and you may want to find a wide brush or large, damp sponge to help applythe foundation evenly across a large area.
- Buff Off Excess – Ensure your product has had time to set, usually this takesaround 5-10 minutes. After the setting, you canuse a mitt, tissue or old towel to gentlybuff off excess product, similar to blotting your lipstick. This will help to ensure that thecoverage won’t transfer to clothing or furniture.
When you’re ready to remove your waterproof body makeup, you can do so by using an oil oroil-based cleanser to easily rinse away the formula.
Check out the full line of Westmore Beauty products. From foundation to finisher, lipstick tobody concealer, brushes, and more, we’ve got everything you need.